Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, Translated By Aysel K. Basci
Fresh As a Rose
Its every moment fresh as a rose
Made of glimmer and ivory foams,
Sleepy, wuthering summer morns,
Southern winds, and back-to-back dreams.
Dissolving, as if tulle,
On the shoulders of timid waves,
Its secret hidden in the air,
This blast, this spring… Mad kisses
And smiles hiding coral glasses…
How many sunsets did I watch on this shore?
Within the faint-violet clouds
How many bloody suns agonized
With the anxiety of distant mossy gardens;
Voices, like unreachable horizons,
A boat, burning in treacherous tides,
Pigeons, flying from our palms,
Fate that never leaves our sides.
Bir Gül Tazeliği
Bir gül tazeliği içinde her an
Fildişi köpükten ve parıltıdan
Mahmur, uğultulu yaz sabahları,
O üst üste rüya, cenup rüzgârı.
Ürkek dalgaların omuzlarında
Tül tül dağılanlar, sırrı havada
Bu cümbüş, bu bahar... Çılgın öpüşler
Mercan kadehleri gizli gülüşler...
Kaç akşam seyrettim bu sahilde ben
Bulutların solgun menekşesinden
Kaç güneş çırpındı kanlar içinde,
Yosun bahçelerin uzak vehminde;
Sesler erişilmez ufuklar gibi
İmkânsız sularda tutuşan gemi,
Uçan güvercinler avucumuzdan
Ayrılmayan kader baş ucumuzdan.
Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar (1901-1962) was a prominent Turkish poet, novelist, literary scholar and essayist, widely regarded as one of the most important representatives of modernism in Turkish literature.
Aysel K. Basci’s translations appeared in The Common, Washington Square Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Los Angeles Review, Columbia Journal, Adroit Journal, and elsewhere.